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No-ISBN: On Self-Publishing by Bernhard Cella
No-ISBN: On Self-Publishing Bernhard Cella ebook
Format: pdf
Page: 506
ISBN: 9783863358198
Publisher: Walther König, Köln
Standard ISBN application is aimed towards selfpublishing authors. Publishing is a business in flux. As a self publisher they provide an interesting challenge. Cost of any additional services (cover design, editing, marketing); ISBN number and barcode included; Listing on Amazon.com and other online retailers. When you publish a book, First Choice Books can assign your book an ISBN ( International Standard Book Number) which is unique to your book. Self publish your manuscript with AuthorHouse and we will provide a unique ISBN number for your book at no extra charge. A Self-Publisher's Companion [Joel Friedlander] on Amazon.com. *FREE* No matter what kind of book you want to publish, the advice, inspiration and Simple things like not reusing an ISBN number were things I'd not even considered. Update Your Published Book Edit Book Details If you have purchased an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for your eBook, enter it here. What do I do if I've already printed the book, and there's no bar code? Published by Walther Koenig (2015) 506 Pages, 187 x 12 cm, Paperback. Everyone Do I Need An ISBN To Publish My Book? NO-ISBN – On Self-publishing investigates extraordinary books that withdraw from the international book trade. Author: Bernhard Cella, Leo Findeisen & Agnes Blaha (Eds.) Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König.
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